In accordance with Law 1581 of 2012, regulated by Decree 1377 of 2013 and Decree 1074 of 2015, in K & V INGENIERIA S.A.S. we ensure the protection of the right of habeas data of the holders of the information that we collect, store, use, process, exchange, update and/or dispose of the data that have been provided or will be provided and those that have been incorporated into our various physical or virtual databases.
Data processing is the performance of any type of operation with personal data, including the collection, storage, use, circulation, transmission, transfer and/or deletion of such data. We perform such processing for:
– Statistical purposes
– The development of our corporate purpose and the contractual relationship with our customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees and holders of personal data in general.
– The administration of the products or services marketed
– All other purposes established in our Information Processing Policy.
For this purpose, as responsible for the treatment, we have adopted security measures in order to ensure the proper and confidential treatment of your personal data.
The holder of the personal data has the right to know, update, include, rectify and delete the information that is in our databases. Likewise, he/she has the right to request proof of authorization and to revoke it at no cost at any time and to file complaints before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for infringements to the right of habeas data.
The answer to questions about sensitive data, which are those data that may affect the privacy of the Holder or whose improper use may generate discrimination, such as political orientation, religious, philosophical or human rights convictions, as well as data relating to health, sex life and biometric data, is always optional.
To learn about our Information Processing Policy or to make any inquiry, update or complaint about the information contained in the databases we manage, please send written communication through the following channels of attention:
- Address: Carretera Cordialidad KM 3.5 via Galapa. Galapa, Atlántico.
- E-mail:
- Website: