Energizing the world

in a sustainable way

Our experience, permanent training and qualification allow us to be always at the forefront of the new electrical solutions required by the market.

Low Voltage

Reactive compensation boards

This type of panels are very useful to offer the technically ideal solution for installations that…

Distribution Boards

The distribution boards manufactured by K&V Ingeniería S.A.S. are designed to hold the electrical…

Automatic Transfer Switches

An Automatic Transfer Switchboard is particularly useful when a backup power supply is required…

Motor Control Center

A MCC is a special distribution system applied for starting and managing the operation of motors…

CT Metering Panel

The semi-direct metering panels designed and manufactured by K&V Ingeniería, consist of an…

Photovoltaic Solutions

Our photovoltaic solutions manufactured by K&V Ingeniería SAS are boxes whose main function…

Electrical Boxes

Metal boxes are an excellent solution for mounting a wide variety of electrical equipment…

Tableros eléctricos

Diseñamos y fabricamos tableros autosoportados, que por su fabricación modular, ofrecen soporte…

Medium Voltage

Dry Type Transformer Enclosure

Transformer cubicles are enclosures made of steel sheet, designed to house dry type transformers…

Switch Disconnect Unit

The air-insulated protection cubicles consist of a load-operated disconnecting switch, which can…

Medium Voltage Metering Unit

Measuring cubicles are composed of two compartments. One of them houses the current and potential…

Renewable Energy Solutions

Power Station

Our mobile solutions are electrical installations that provide a quick solution…

Pioneers in physical short-circuit and internal arc tests on our boards.

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Reagent Compensation Boards

This type of panels are very useful to offer the technically ideal solution for installations that, due to the nature of their loads, must compensate reactive energy, ensuring an efficient use of the electrical network and protecting the associated equipment from phenomena caused in complex systems, such as harmonics and resonances.

KYV Engineering offers you the following solutions that will help you to compensate the penalizable reactive energy and protect your installation from damages caused by harmonics:

Capacitor bank / detuned capacitor bank: 

  • A capacitor bank is a system used in industry and electrical installations to improve the quality of electrical power. Its main function is to provide reactive power compensation in alternating current (AC) systems, when there are not many harmonics in the systems.

Capacitor banks deliver capacitive reactive power, to compensate for the inductive reactive power released by loads such as motors and transformers, bringing the power factor closer to the optimum heat.

By improving the power factor, the capacitor bank reduces energy losses in the distribution system, in addition to avoiding penalties for excess import of reactive power from the system. 

  • A detuned capacitor bank is a specialized capacitor bank configuration designed to compensate reactive power in installations with slightly more complex associated loads, with the presence of harmonics, minimizing the problems associated with resonance. Detuning refers to the technique used to avoid resonance that can occur when capacitor banks are connected in electrical systems with specific inductances, causing damage and possible equipment accidents.

El banco desintonizado, al igual que el banco de condensadores convencional, compensa la potencia reactiva en el sistema eléctrico, ayudando a mantener un factor de potencia adecuado. El banco desintonizado, combina condensadores y reactores, y se calcula y diseña para evitar la resonancia en el sistema. La resonancia ocurre cuando la inductancia del sistema y la capacitancia del banco se combinan de manera que producen oscilaciones amplificadas, lo cual puede causar daños a equipos eléctricos y aumentar las pérdidas.


  • An SVG (Static Var Generator), better known as KVG in K&V Ingeniería, is a type of reactive power compensator that continuously senses the electrical variables of the installation and generates reactive in a much faster way. Its main function is to stabilize and improve the power factor in electrical networks, especially in systems with variable loads and/or cogeneration, and where a fast response to fluctuations in energy demand is required.

The SVG adjusts the amount of reactive power in the electrical system to improve the power factor. It can operate in capacitive (providing reactive power) or inductive (absorbing reactive power) mode, depending on the needs of the system. 

Unlike traditional capacitor banks, which can have longer response times, the SVG can quickly adjust its output to adapt to load changes and maintain system stability through the use of power electronics.

Mixed KVG: 

  • The main feature of a mixed SVG is its ability to combine different reactive power compensation technologies in a single device.

The mixed SVG combines the capability of an SVG with that of capacitor banks to provide efficient reactive power compensation. The SVG can be set to operate in capacitive or inductive mode, and for the proportion of compensation that needs to occur faster, while the capacitor banks deliver additional compensation.

If reactors are included, mixed SVG can avoid resonance problems, ensuring that the combination of capacitors and SVG does not cause detrimental oscillations in the power system.

Mixed SVG is an advanced solution that combines the capabilities of SVGs, capacitor banks and, if required, reactors, to provide more efficient and adaptive reactive power compensation. This improves power system stability and optimizes performance in a variety of applications.

  • One of its main advantages is that, by combining these technologies, in addition to efficiently compensating reactants, costs are reduced compared to using a GTS of the total compensation capacity required by the system.

It is worth mentioning that the correct design and calculation of this type of solution, based on measurements of the behavior of the system’s electrical variables, are the key to its successful implementation and commissioning.

Active filters:

  • An electrical active filter is a device designed to improve power quality in electrical systems by eliminating or mitigating distortions and harmonics in the electrical current. Unlike passive filters, which use components such as inductors and capacitors to filter out unwanted frequencies, active filters employ electronic technology to provide a more flexible and effective solution for power quality control.
  • It offers continuous and adaptive correction for different types of distortions and harmonics. Reduces distortions and harmonics, improving power system stability and efficiency. Prevents damage to electrical and electronic equipment caused by harmonics and distortions. 
  • An active filter is an advanced tool for improving power quality in electrical systems, using electronic technology to provide dynamic and effective correction of distortions and harmonics in the electrical current.

Distribution Boards

The distribution boards manufactured by K&V Ingeniería S.A.S. are designed to hold the electrical protection equipment according to the needs of our customers’ projects.

They are suitable for different applications such as: 

  • Oil and gas.
  • Chemical.
  • Mining.
  • Generation, distribution and commercialization of energy.
  • Construction.

Automatic Transfer Switches

An Automatic Transfer Switchboard is particularly useful when a backup power supply is required, ensuring continuity of electrical service in the event of a failure in the external power grid.

Automatic transfer panels have the advantage of having programmable controllers according to the need, self-powered to ensure continuous operation. At the same time, it must comply with the established operating parameters.

They are suitable for different applications such as: 

  • Chemical.
  • Mining.
  • Generation, distribution and commercialization of energy.
  • Construction.
  • Oil and gas.

Motor Control Center

A MCC is a special distribution system applied for starting and managing the operation of motors, or complete production systems. They are based on one or more cabinet type modules, and can be segregated in individual compartments, which can be fixed or removable, where the necessary equipment for motor starting and protection is housed.

The MCC enclosure and capacity are designed according to the customer’s precise needs, and can be equipped in individual modules or be part of a train of modules or distribution systems.

The electrical equipment, its brands and specifications can also be chosen by the customer according to his preferences.

Our MCC´s are capable of including the automation required for the process, through PLC or with integration to the SCADA system of the facility.

Depending on the design, we can offer 

  • CCM with removable drawers.
  • Fixed compartmentalized CCM. 
  • Conventional CCM.

They are suitable for different applications such as: 

  • Industrial.
  • Mining.
  • Oil and gas.

CT Metering Panel

The semi-direct metering panels designed and manufactured by K&V Ingeniería, consist of an enclosure segmented into 3 compartments where the associated electrical equipment such as meters, current transformers and a compartment for protections and wiring are housed, complying with RETIE and under the standards of the different network operators. It should be noted that they are required for metering accounts exceeding 100 amperes.

Photovoltaic Solutions

Our photovoltaic solutions manufactured by K&V Ingeniería SAS are boxes whose main function is to protect the renewable electric power generation system, from the solar panel groups by means of fuses to the DC/AC inverters or higher-level combiner boxes. 

They offer a great stability and hermeticity which guarantees a greater durability of both the box and the equipment inside it. In its interior they have a removable metallic double-bottom for equipment mounting.

Electrical Boxes

Metal boxes are an excellent solution for mounting a wide variety of electrical equipment, offering easy access and operation due to their wall or pole mounting.

They offer hermeticity up to IP66, which guarantees greater durability of both the enclosure and the multipurpose equipment inside it. Inside, they have a removable metal double-bottom for equipment mounting.

They can be manufactured with galvanized or stainless-steel sheet.

Dry Type Transformer Enclosure

Transformer cubicles are enclosures made of steel sheet, designed to house dry type transformers. Their main function is to protect the transformer from the harmful effects of the environment, as well as to restrict personnel from accessing its active parts and prevent any animal or object from coming into contact with the dangerous parts.

K&V ingeniería SAS manufactures medium voltage dry type transformer cubicles for all power ratings and up to 34.5kV nominal voltage, guaranteeing the necessary protection for this equipment and ensuring optimum environmental conditions for its proper operation.

Switch Disconnect Unit

The air-insulated protection cubicles consist of a load-operated disconnecting switch, which can have several configurations, either with one input and output with protection or one input and two outputs. The enclosure is made of self-supported metal and is characterized by its robustness, designed under the guidelines of the Association of Electrical Engineers of Colombia ATEC.

The cubicle has interlocks that prevent personnel access to the inside of the cubicle when the disconnector contacts are closed and have not been connected to the grounding blade.

Medium Voltage Metering Unit

Measuring cubicles are composed of two compartments. One of them houses the current and potential transformers, which convert the variables to a scale that can be read by the meter. The other compartment houses the measuring equipment, the test terminals and the modem.

The enclosure of the cubicle is self-supporting metal and has a protection circuit which ensures that personnel are protected in the event of an internal failure.

The measuring cell manufactured by K&V Ingeniería SAS has internal arc tests, which guarantee the safety of its operation. All of the above, complying with national standards such as RETIE, NTC 2050 and international standards such as IEC 62271-200.

We offer two types of cubicles. The conventional and the compact, suitable to be coupled to compact medium voltage switchgear trains.

Power Station

Our mobile solutions are electrical installations that provide a quick solution for easier handling, installation and commissioning of packaged substations. In them we can install conventional substations, transformer stations, switching centers and low voltage distribution centers such as MCC.

The elements that compose it are the following:

Metal-mechanical enclosure with thermo-acoustic and fire-retardant insulation, transformer, medium voltage switchgear, protection relays, low voltage distribution boards.

They are adapted according to the application, including, among others, HVAC systems, fire detection and/or extinguishing systems, CCTV, and access control.


  • Transformer Substations: Used in applications such as solar parks. They integrate LV distribution, coming from solar inverters or their respective recombiner boxes. Interconnection to step-up transformer and medium voltage protection, for injection to the grid.
  • Switching centers: Concentrate the power of several power generation systems, protecting their output connections, to deliver all the energy to the grid.
  • E-Houses: Multipurpose and multi-application substations in medium and low voltage.
  • Trailer: Mobile solution, for mining applications, among others, that allows the displacement of the equipment in a convenient way to the user, for its specific use.